Sat 22 August 2015
Information visualization was not easy on web before D3.js came out. This visualization is just trying to test D3.js with the data from UCI Network Data Repository. Data is about the co-purchasing of Books about US Politics on Amazon. The original data represent the node as the books …
Sun 12 July 2015
In Myanmar languages, the writing sequences and standardized storage sequences are different. The input method needs to rearrange the inputs into proper storage order. Almost nobody use the built-in input methods for Myanmar, these come with Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Most people are using third-party intelligent input methods …
Wed 12 February 2014
Apache 2.4 is dropping the HTTP Header names with special characters for some security reasons. The header names with underscore character are also included in dropped headers. Some of my apps are suffering with this. Even for the security reason, it is needed to support the existing apps for …
Sat 02 November 2013
Vim is my favourite editor and I am using it for quite a long time. I use it for writing programs, changing configuration on my servers, writing reports and so on. I like Vim but there is one major issue, Vim is not supporting Unicode characters. It only supports Monospaced …
Fri 04 October 2013
After my servers were upgraded with Ubuntu Server 13.10, all are stopped working. Ubuntu Server 13.10 came with Apache 2.4.*. That makes a busy day for the system administrators. Apache 2.4 will not work with 2.2 configuration file, the easiest way is using the default …